Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. Patrick Henry

Ok, since I can't go anywhere (even up the stairs), except back and forth with my walker from my sturdy arm chair to the computer chair to the bathroom, I decided now would be the perfect time to start a BLOG and my foot surgery would be the perfect subject to blog about. (I heard that groan Forrest!)

So..........where to start? Let's start at the very beginning.......a very good place to start. (Yeah, me and Julie Andrews are tight like that. We have a lot in common, not the least thing being that we are both practically perfect in every way!) CHEEKY!

It was a bright and sunny day 4 years ago at Itasca State Park in central (I think) Minnesota. I was at a church young women camp where my friend, Coralea, and I were chaperones. We were on a lovely (NOT) 5 mile hike with all the 2nd year campers. The only problem was, everyone else on the hike had disappeared into the dense woods except for us four: Me, Coralea, my daughter Kristin, and a sweet young woman from Grand Forks. We were following a little xeroxed map of woodsy trails that some mathematically challenged young women had figured out added up to five miles. It soon became apparent that we were lost. Like really lost. Not a human soul in sight. Just Mother Earth, Father Sky and a zillion pesky TICKS! (This was the infamous hike from which my original rap song, "Rick, the Tick" was born. But......I digress.) What could we do but pray and keep walking? I was seriously scared that we would never see civilization again. Anyway, about halfway through our journey in the haunted forest, I was seized by a sharp stabbing pain on the top of my foot.

Which makes me come there isn't a name for the top of the foot? We have the heel, the ankle, the ball, the toes, but there is not a word for the top of the foot, thus making me type 4 words--top-of-the-foot- when one good word could suffice, if there was one. So I am now announcing that I am having a contest for all the readers of my blog, to come up with a good name for the top- of- the- foot. The winner of the contest will receive an original copy of my hit rap song, "Rick, the Tick."

Anyway, that day 4 years ago, when a sharp stabbing pain seized my foot, was what ultimately led to my recent foot surgery, which ultimately led to me being confined to the basement with Maggie (by the way, we now smell the same since so far I have only been able to take sponge baths) which ultimately led me to the brink of insanity due to sheer boredom, which ultimately led me to write this blog.

In the next installment, you will accompany me on my journey of discovery as I seek answers for the sharp stabbing pain on the top-of-my-foot. Betcha cant' wait!

Oh, in case you were wondering, we finally found our way to the road after about 4 HOURS in pergatory. The sad part was, no one even knew we were missing! After I got home, I perused my little xeroxed map and added up all the miles and figured out that our 5 mile hike was really 9.2 MILES! And what happened to everyone else that was supposed to be on the hike with us? They had turned around and gone back way back there at the beginning. GRRRRRRR! There's gotta be a special place in heaven for adult women who go to girls camp. Even winning the revered and sacred "Most Spirited Camper" urn of ashes two years later was little consolation.

Don't forget to enter the contest all you creative word girls!


  1. Your boredom will now become our entertainment (we are so lucky). I can't wait for the next post. And I'll ponder on the top-of-the-foot naming challenge. Speaking of which, I wish you a speedy recovery!

  2. It reminds me of the hike at the Frannie reunion to see the petroglyphs:) I, too, willl ponder the top-of-the foot naming challenge. Some ideas are already percolating in my brain.

  3. Well, this isn't as succinct as you'd like, but you could always call it the dorsal side of the fact, which isn't any shorter but infinitely smarter-sounding. And I don't think I've EVER gone on a girls' camp hike when we didn't get lost . . . I think it's a girls' camp curse.

  4. I meant dorsal side of the foot. Facts don't have dorsal sides . . .

  5. Becky----Thanks!:)

    Margaret--Yes! the "Blue Wash Indian Pictograph" hike! If memory serves me correctly I ended up buying Becky a pound of M&M's for her daring leap off the ledge!

    Rachel--"dorsal side" may just win seeing how it is the only entry so far....very smart sounding..."a sharp stabbing pain in the dorsal side".......

  6. How about the crown of the foot? (Like the crown of your head. Get it?)

  7. PS. Not that I'm trying to win or anything, but I think dorsal sounds distinctly fishy.

  8. Oh, my goodness. I can hardly wait for the next installment of this epic tale! The girls and I are working on the top-of-the-foot name challenge. The only YW hike I went on as a YW was at the camp where you 4th years camped in a cow pasture and there was a tornado. They had us hike around in big circles for 5 miles. I finally rebelled and hiked myself back to the cabin. Phyllis made me go do the hike again the next day. I'm pretty sure her hike was way more than 5 miles!

  9. Emily, I think I was a chaperone at that camp. Ugh...I seem to recall digging our own latrines. I wonder why I ever agreed to go!

  10. By the way, I hope the top-of-your-foot is un-numb by now. You're right. It is a pain to type top-of-the-foot. A word for that part of your foot is sorely needed! (No pun intended!)

  11. Margaret, I am wondering why you agreed to go, too! I'm wondering why I agreed to go!! I hated camp when I was a YW. (I know you are asking how I could hate camp when I was camping with Susan, Becky, and Laura. Well, I was camping with Susan, Becky and Laura! And Margaret!) It is much more fun as an adult, unless you have problems with your top-of-the-foot when hike for 9.2 miles! Or have to dig your own latrines. I'm pretty sure that was the end of YW camp for me.

  12. Dorsal does sound fishy! It made me think of tuna. Todd suggested Frederick.

  13. By the way, Susan, I think your timer may be off. Unless you live in California, where it really might be 3:something right now.

  14. Your pain is our gain! This is going to be an epic adventure - I can tell already.

    Top-of-foot word challenge: how about the "pinnacle" of the foot - sounds pretty important. "Doctor, I think that stupid girl's camp hike caused a malfunction of my foot pinnacle."

    Hope your recovery is quick!

  15. The timer is off! No wonder Todd got home so early.

  16. And by the way, when I read the comments and came to the one from "Alice", I thought "Who is this Alice, and why is she commenting in here like she knows all of us. Very presumptuous!"

  17. OH-MY-LANTA!!!! You guys are HILARIOUS!!! I can't quit laughing! Just to be sure I have all the entries so far for a word for the "top-of-the-foot" here they are: DORSAL, CROWN, FREDERICK (?), and PINNACLE. All very fine suggestions. I will leave the contest open for a little longer to give others time to think. (some people need more time than others!) Yes, this is, um, you know, ALICE. wink wink!

  18. Wow, I can see I'd better get on the ball and submi my entry for the top of the food. How about "summit", since it's the top of your foot?

    As for the hiking at girls camp with EMILY, I don't ever remember being a burden or complainer:-) I don't know what you could be hinting at.

    And the infamous hike in Wyoming is never to be forgotten. Even the bag of M&Ms didn't make it much better. But beating Susan did. I mean Alice.

  19. Okay, disclaimer: I just came in from shoveling 6" of snow and my fingers weren't typing correctly...I meant "submit" and "foot"!

  20. Sounds like you're hungry, Becky---top of the food!

    I didn't do the hike in Wyoming because the girls were only 6 weeks old. I stayed at home and took a nap!

    As far as camping with you, Becky, I seem to remember that you were the one that "properly" extinguished your fire by stomping on it. That was the same camp where "Alice" dropped Bishop Taylor's big flashlight down the outhouse and wanted us to hold on to her feet and lower her down so should could retrieve it!

  21. Good thing you didn't do that, Emily, because we all know that her foot was just sitting there waiting to get hurt.

  22. Haha! I would pay big money for a picture of Emily and Becky lowering "Alice" down the outhouse to retrieve the flashlight. But you're right - that wouldn't have been a good idea because it might have injured her foot PINNACLE.

  23. Hahahaha! I love you guys! Becky, I almost forgot about the flashlight incident. I did actually offer to buy Lorraine a new flashlight but she rather grumpily declined. And I guess it is a good thing you didn't lower me down and injure the top-of-my-foot (as well as my pride) I will add the word "summit" to the word bank. I'm going to try them all out and then decide. Such as:

    "I have a pain in my pinnacle"
    "My summit is sore today".

    or maybe
    "Doctor, the stabbing pain in my crown is not subsiding."
    "Ouch. My dorsal hurts."
    "Man, my Frederick is really on fire today."'ll be a tough decision!

  24. We have a few more suggestions for the top-of-your-foot.
    Maybe superior - I hurt my superior.
    Heart - because it is opposite of your sole.
    Capstone - because it is on top of your arch.
    THAT - I hurt THAT part of my foot.

    Come to think of it, I sprained the top-of-my-foot while I was at BYU. The doctor at UVRMC called it a mid-foot sprain. I thought that was kind of a stupid name.

    When you pick a name you should make sure you send it to all the medical schools so all the doctors will know what the real name for the top-of-my-foot is.

  25. Love the suggestions, Em! My personal favorite of the bunch is in "my superior seriously smarts!" Does this mean you are withdrawing "Frederick"? or is Todd sticking by his suggestion?!

  26. Todd is sticking with his suggestion. I came up with superior all on my own.

  27. Emily, how could you hate camping with me? Did I ever go to girl's camp with you? My most vivid girl's camp memory is the one where we were left without a leader for a day or two and some strange men came into camp and did scary things. And no, they were not the priesthood leaders! I always find camping much more enjoyable with a bag of spice drops :)

  28. Wow, Laura. I totally don't remember that one! Now I'm glad I didn't got to all the years of camp!

  29. I know. I think maybe Becky was there. I remember learning something about moss on trees, but it's all kind of fuzzy :) I was just telling the kids about when I took the spice drops camping and tried to eat them on the sly in the tent. You busted me and I had to share. Remember the big army tent?

  30. I totally remember the big army tent. I think it was the same campout as the spice drops when we didn't have enough sleeping bags. I woke up in the middle of the night to somebody trying to get into my sleeping bag with me!

    I remember Margaret and Rene camping with us when she was pregnant with Joseph. She dreamed he had big rabbit feet, so we called him Thumper for a little while! Good times, good times!

  31. "Moss on's all kind of fuzzy"--hahahaha!

    I don't believe in camping. That's probably why I had such hideous dreams when camping with you guys.

  32. I think Margaret needs to "believe in camping." Now we all know what here next calling will be! Just make sure you have great footwear for it, Margaret!

  33. Yes, big mistake, Margaret! I remember Rene and Margaret coming camping with us once and Margaret brought cloth diapers. I did cloth diapers with all our kids, but cloth diapers and camping? YUCK!

  34. Margaret, you don't "believe" in camping? Hahahaha!! Maybe you should have a RS campout. That might help avoid the calling as camp director!

    I'm glad it was the unbelief in camping that made you have hideous dreams when camping with us, and not just the fact that you were camping with US!

    Now, you all need to stop posting such funny comments. I need to go sew my hotpads!

  35. Oh, yeah, an RS campout! I can just see it now! Better get on that Margaret! (Just leave the cloth diapers at home, though)

  36. My aversion to camping clearly extends all the way to RS campouts, believe me. I'm not even a big fan of Time out for Women...the thought of spending all that time hanging out with RS sisters...ugh! Unless, of course, they are my REAL sisters :) I have spent many a lovely evening in a hotel room with Mom and various sisters (and once, even Kent...although he slept on the floor.)

  37. Alice, I think you mean the cloth DEPENDS!

  38. Oh my goodness!!! Yes that's what I meant, Emily! hahaha!!!!
